About the All-Win Network


The All Win Network was founded by Ir. Pim van Monsjou and Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska together with Floris Methorst, Leonard Kater and Boris van Oirschot as a way of implementing the all-win principle—a tool dedicated to bringing about the wellbeing of all people and Nature as a whole. This principle was introduced by Ulatowska in her novel, Samenzwering Samenspel. Naar spiritueel wereldburgerschap. (manuscript was originally in English, working title: Heaven Can’t Wait. )

The objective of the All-Win Network

people_network3This is to bring about a global shift from a world dominated by a small minority to one stewarded by humanity as a whole for the benefit of all. This shift would take place socially, economically, psychologucally, spiritually and with regard to the environment.

The All-Win Network is based in the Netherlands. It has also been extremely active at the United Nations both in Geneva and especially in New York. In 2009, it was one of the founders of Commons Action for the United Nations which applies the all-win principle to the work of the United Nations. Upon the request of colleagues at the UN , this was expanded into the Commons Cluster of the NGO Major Group (Commons Cluster) with Ulatowska as coordinator. Since then, the majority of participants consist of representatives of UN ECOSOC accredited organizations.

The Commons Cluster is seen by the All-Win Network as its international branch. It is, of course, run as a commons with participants both taking responsibility for decision making and benefiting from its activities .

International Activities

Until June 2012 (The UN’s Rio Summit on Sustainable Development), the international activities consisted mainly of working with the UN’s Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD). Since then the Commons Cluster has participated actively in the UN Conferences connected in any way to sustainable development (socially, economically, environmentally and with regard to financing.

They were extremely active in the monthly conferences, leading to the formulation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Post 2015 agenda and the financing for development. In this process many of the objectives of the All Win Network have begun to be realized. Among these are the increasing involvement of people, including the poorest and most marginalize in helping to formulate ways of stewarding the Planet, socially, econimically and with regard to the environment..

Commons are groupings of people who share the responsibiltty of decision making as well as the benefits that occur from their common activities.

Activities in the Netherlands

The All-Win Network was founded and is based in the Netherlands. For many years monthly events were held in Utrecht under the title, A World that Works for All.

This initiative consisted of monthly events held at the Emma Centrum in Utrecht, the Netherlands, home of the Unesco library in the Netherlands. These events were dedicated to help implement the all-win principle in participants’ day to day lives and the operations of their organizations.

Every month, 2-3 organizations would together organize an interactive, participatory event (followed by a dinner) to which the members of some 20 other organizations were invited. Here the implementation of diverse aspects of the all-win principle would be explored, as they related to the personal lives of participants and their diverse organizational activities. Events were organized among others by the Brahman Kumaris (a UN Peace Messenger Organization that appears in the novel, Samenzwering Samenspel. Naar spiritueel wereldburgerschap); World Citizens (a UN ECOSOC accredited organization); a number of political parties; and also diverse organizations dedicated to Cradle to Cradle, Permaculture, a Basic Income for All People, and other all-win approaches.